A 3-month payday loan is a fantastic option to consider when you need cash in a short time and cannot qualify for a traditional bank loan. This option is for borrowers with far from perfect credit score, who have no collateral, but still require instant cash to address their immediate needs. If that is your case, you can apply for a small payday loan that will provide 3 months to pay back the full amount with interest rates and fees.
How do 3-month payday loans work?
These loans work like traditional online payday loans, but the only difference is the repayment period. Yes, these loans can provide 3 months to make repayments along with the interest rates and fees. The borrowers do not have to worry about the short-term loan repayment time at all.
You can take out the loans of $100, $500, $1000, $1500, $2000, $2500, $3000 and arrange the loan amount within three months for repayment. The maximum and minimum amount that borrowers can borrow varies from one lender to lender.
You have to find out the best lender for your unsecured 90-day loan. Many lenders have both in-store and online applications for loan requests. You can choose either way to request the loans from $100 and more. If you request online, the funds will be deposited into your bank account.
Can I get a 3-month loan with bad credit?
When it comes to applying for a small three-month loan, this is the biggest cause of concern for borrowers with poor credit scores.
Yes, you can get a three-month loan with bad credit, but it will be challenging to find a good offer with an affordable interest rate and fees. If your application gets rejected because of bad credit, consider other options, such as improving your credit score or taking a secured loan.
Facts about small 3-month payday loans
Before requesting these online personal unsecured loans, you should make sure whether you are eligible. For that, you need to know some facts about these loans.
- Payday loans are subject to state regulations. If loan terms and regulations vary in your state, your lender may not offer you the 3-month payday loans.
- The interest rate and fees can be expensive for these unsecured loans, as they are processed faster than traditional loans.
- The best thing about this type of loan is that you do not need to have a good credit score to get one. Lenders consider not only your credit score when approving your loan. People with bad credit score can also request this loan.
- Some lenders allow you to repay the loan amount in installments even after 3 months. The point is that you need to notify your lender that you cannot repay the amount during the three-month period.
- If you need instant cash, these loans should be your first choice. The lenders ensure quick loan processing and funds transfer to help you address your emergencies.
How to apply for a 3-month loan?
You can apply online or offline depending on your preferences and choices. However, before filling the 3-month loan request form, make sure to prepare these documents:
- A recent pay stub or other proof for income
- State-issued ID
- Bank account and routing number
- Social security number
Without having these documents ready, you cannot apply for the payday loans online.